Our Two Children

Our Two Children

Friday, November 4, 2011

Adoption Day comes! Finally!

We “officially” welcomed Arielle into to our family,  Gignac Style!  This past weekend we celebrated the fact that we finally were able to legally adopt our little girl into our family. The actual date was in September but we had to get all our festivities in order so we could have a proper inauguration of our Princess!
It was a real celebration for a Princess.
We had a covered tent, a candy buffet, a princess Jumpy jump and Uncle Julio’s catering it (mesquite fajita grill). My nephews, Josh, Jason, and Patrick Reynolds performed a band for our guests and Arielle's Uncle Brian Reynolds even wrote a song for her.  I got M"Ms from Mars customized with Casey and Arielle's names and served them in bowls for the guests. I also created a tree of life for all family members present to "ink" their thumbprint leaf to symbolize our new family tree.
Her Dad played guitar and our son, ( Casey)'s friends were all there celebrating with all of her Aunts, Uncles,  neighbors, old friend’s new friends with their kids. We had over 76 adults and 48 children!! Needless to say it was crazy!! She was dressed as the Snow Princess and all the children were encouraged to dress as members of the Royal family!
Even though this was the “official” celebration, Arielle Sarah Gignac, we have been rejoicing and celebrating since she came into our life, October 9th, 2008.